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Education Franchise | Byitcinternational
Education Franchise

Which Is The Best Education Franchise To Own?

Since times immemorial, imparting education has been considered a noble deed in almost all cultures, traditions, and nations around the world. However, the present-day scenario has changed a bit. Commercialization has crept into the domain of education and almost all educational institutions …

Game-Based Abacus Maths Learning | Byitcinternational
Game-Based Learning

How Game-Based Abacus Maths Learning Will Make Your Child Smarter?

The concept of ‘learn while you play’ has been around for quite some time now. Not only does it transform monotonous classroom teaching into a fun-filled avenue of learning but also kindles the spark of doing things in order to enhance learning. …

Abacus For Kids | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

30 Minutes Of Abacus A Day Will Power Your Kid’s Brain

The human brain is by far one of the most amazing instruments made by the Gods so far. Its powers are simply incalculable. To unlock the fullest possible potential of the human brain (as much as humanly possible), one needs to be …

Summer Courses for Kids | Byitcinternational
Cyber Security

Summer Courses In Cyber Security

The world of the Internet has taken over our lives in ways unprecedented. While it has brought along immense convenience, the aspect of security remains a big concern. As well-informed denizens of the digital age, it is incumbent upon us to have …

Learning Abacus | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

How Learning Abacus Helps Your Child Excel In STEM?

STEM, an abbreviation for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, is an education program designed to educate kids through engagement in hands-on experiments and real-life experiences. The STEM-related subjects have Mathematics as their working base.The Abacus Maths classes are designed to help drastically …

Improve Your English | Byitcinternational
English Speaking

How to Improve Your English Accent and Pronounciation?

English speaking is not just about sound vocabulary and grammar; it is more about the right pronunciation and a good accent. Know How to Speak with Correct Accent. Many tests require you to pass as a native speaker of English, for which …

How to Speak English with Fluency and Confidence? | Byitcinternational
English Speaking

How to Speak English with Fluency and Confidence?

Before embarking on the journey to improve your fluency in English, you must understand what fluency entails because fluency is perhaps the most misconstrued term in languages. Usually, one who doesn’t pause, repeat, or speaks too slowly is considered fluent. However, this …

difference between IGCSE and CBSE

How IGCSE is different from CBSE?

As Indians, we’re all familiar with the three most prevalent boards of education, i.e. CBSE, ICSE (or ISC), and the State Boards. However, not many of us may know what is IGCSE. In this article, we have tried to comprehensively cover the …

Game Based Learning | Byitcinternational
Game-Based Learning

How Does Game-Based Learning Work?

With digitalization having penetrated all aspects of our lives, how could teaching have remained behind? With many schools exploring the transition to a digital curriculum, one of the solutions meant to take full advantage of the benefits of a digital curriculum is …

Online abacus maths classes | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

How To Learn Abacus Maths at Home?

Abacus: A historical context The word ‘Abacus’ is derived from the Latin word, ‘Abax’, which means ‘a flat surface.’ In olden times, an Abacus was a tool used to perform mathematical calculations by shifting pebbles on a flat surface. Learn Abacus Maths …


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