Category: Abacus Maths

Abacus Training | BYITCInternational
Abacus Maths

Why Abacus Training is the Smarter Way to Learn Maths

When I first joined BYITC, curiosity led me to explore our core learning methodology. Dr. Rashmi Mantri, the visionary founder, encouraged me to experience our abacus training firsthand – to truly understand the magic behind our approach. Numbers were my nemesis – …

Abacus Maths Programme | BYITCInternational
Abacus Maths

Abacus Maths: Choose the Best Programme for Your Children

Selecting the best abacus maths programme for your child can have a significant impact on their cognitive development and establish the groundwork for more complex arithmetic skills. Through practical methods and organised instruction, children can develop their mental maths skills with a …

Learning Abacus Maths | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

Learning Abacus Maths is Shaping Mathematical Thinking – How?

We should understand that learning abacus maths for kids is great. Abacus is quite easy and fun to learn if you have the right people around you. BYITC has established their abacus learning in a fun and engaging manner. Games based systems …

Best Maths Programme for Your Children
Abacus Maths

How to Choose the Best Maths Programme for Your Children?

To ensure that your children are provided with the best maths programme, there are certain aspects you need to take into consideration. Here is a guideline on how to go about it: Evaluate the Needs and Learning Style of Your Child: Parents …

Abacus Classes Near Me | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

How can Abacus Classes unlock counting brilliance at your fingertips?

In a world dominated by technology and instant access to information, the significance of mental maths skills often takes a back seat. However, at British Youth International College, we understand that fostering a strong foundation in mathematics is crucial for overall cognitive …

Mathematical Skills | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

Enhancing Mathematical Skills: The Benefits of Abacus Maths Classes for Children

In an era dominated by technology, where calculators and digital devices are readily available, the importance of nurturing fundamental mathematical skills in children cannot be overstated. Abacus maths classes offer a unique and effective approach to developing a strong mathematical foundation. The …

Mental Maths | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

The Role of Mental Maths in Competitive Exams: A Key to Time Management

In today’s fast-paced world, competitive exams have become a gateway to opportunities and success. Whether it’s SAT, GRE, GMAT, or various professional certification exams, one common factor remains crucial: time management. The ability to perform mental maths can be a game-changer in …

Abacus Maths Concepts | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

How Digital Learning Enhances Children’s Mastery of Abacus Maths Concepts

The abacus, a centuries-old mathematical tool, continues to be a valuable learning aid for children. Its ability to develop mental calculation skills, improve concentration, and enhance problem-solving abilities makes it a popular choice among educators and parents. In recent years, the integration …

Abacus Mental Maths | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

Enhancing Brain Function and Memory with the Abacus Mental Maths

Is your child struggling with academics, especially mathematics? Want to boost your child’s memory and brain function? In that case, enrolling them in the online abacus classes can be an excellent option. If you are wondering what is abacus? Well, it is …

Abacus Maths and Adaptive Learning Technologies
Abacus Maths

How Adaptive Learning Technologies are Changing the Landscape of Abacus Maths

In today’s age of the internet, numerous technologies continue to evolve. The emergence of new adaptive learning technologieshas resulted in a significant transformation in the way children learn. Such technologies have alsoimpacted the abacus maths. In this blog, you will learn how adaptive …


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