How Digital Learning Enhances Children’s Mastery of Abacus Maths Concepts
The abacus, a centuries-old mathematical tool, continues to be a valuable learning aid for children. Its ability to develop mental calculation skills, improve concentration, and enhance problem-solving abilities makes it a popular choice among educators and parents. In recent years, the integration …
How to Provide Game-Based Abacus Learning in Your Existing Tuition Center?
From Generation X to Generation Z, the world has seen drastic changes in learning models. Schools and institutions shifted from generic in-class theory to a more applied approach. Employing smart classes and audio-visual aids became standard practice as we hit the latter …
Reasons why children should learn Abacus
Abacus has stellar benefits for children in terms of cognitive development. The age-old technique of performing calculations may look complex, on the face of it, but it is one of the simplest ways to get ahead of the competition. Today’s education system …