How to Provide Game-Based Abacus Learning in Your Existing Tuition Center?
From Generation X to Generation Z, the world has seen drastic changes in learning models. Schools and institutions shifted from generic in-class theory to a more applied approach. Employing smart classes and audio-visual aids became standard practice as we hit the latter …
What is the Impact of Digital Game-based Abacus Learning on Students’ Performance?
The modern education system incorporates cutting-edge tools and techniques to enhance learning and performance. However, students can make the most of these innovations only when they have foundational skills like mental mathematics. Students who can quickly compute mathematical solutions can demonstrate excellent …
How Does Game-Based Learning Work?
With digitalization having penetrated all aspects of our lives, how could teaching have remained behind? With many schools exploring the transition to a digital curriculum, one of the solutions meant to take full advantage of the benefits of a digital curriculum is …